According to Genesis God ordered Noah to construct an ark to hold survivors of the Great Flood. When a dove returns with an olive branch Noah knows that the waters will recede. This comic posits that Noah was hoping the dove would lead to leprechaun gold.
User manuals, when they are included, are among the most ignored things in the world. This comic is about that fact. It posits that had Germany spread their top secret messages in user manuals rather than using radio transmissions of messages encoded by the Enigma machine they probably would never have been found by the Allies.
Anthropomorphism is not only a long word but also a great source of ideas for comics. This comic shows two parties going fishing, with one of them a giant fish trying to catch the human.
Kids love asking lots of questions, especially if they think they are being annoying. This comic shows what would happen if you actually answered them.
Sometimes the best way to define something is by describing what it is not. This comic uses that idea to define: darkness, quiet, vacuum, chaos, and politics.
Mermaids are creatures of folklore typically associated with watery disasters. This comic plays with the assumption that the mermaids are really trying to help sailors rather than harm them.
This is another comic about one of my favorite topics: cockroaches and the end of the world. In this case it realizes that it may have made a mistake.
This comic shows the *Nix network commands that simulate what a web browser does when you visit a site.
Cockroaches surviving a nuclear holocaust: comic manna. This comic shows a sentient cockroach explains his single lament. It is a rework of a comic originally created in 2013.
Counting sheep jumping a fence is supposed to help you fall asleep. Nothing of the sort works for me. But what interested me for this comic was: what would sheep think of to fall asleep?