In the dark ages of RPGs you were on your own to find your quest objectives. There is nothing wrong with that for the serious gamer but it is a huge obstacle for the casual gamer. So game developers added HUDs (Heads-Up Display), maps, and quest markers to make it easier to find your objectives. In this comic the HUD vanishes.
A comic that lists what your beliefs say about you for the following subjects: luck, Santa, science, magic, stock market, peace, god, and government.
A nerdy way of asking about yourself using the *nix command “who”
Many spiders recreate their webs every morning so those webs are always construction zones (kind of like U.S. roads). This comic shows a spider displaying a construction zone sign.
This comic shows a silly and convoluted JavaScript algorithm to use bit shift operators to spell “NO SHIFT”. Nerdy developers/programmers might enjoy it.
This nerdy comic uses a fictitious *Nix terminal command as a play on the popular description of insanity as doing the same thing expeting a different outcome.
This comic might tickle the nerdy funny bone of developers/programmers and designers. It lists the HEX color for “rose” for the caption, “Do you see the world through #FF007F-colored glasses?
This nursery rhyme about the wolf huffing and puffing to blow down the homes of the three little pigs is supposed to be a lesson about being smart about using appropriate materials to avoid problems. This comic changes that to be a lesson to make sure you know where you are.
This is a comic based on the saying, “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck then it is a duck.” But with the colorful North American painted turtle. It is based on when I told someone about the photographs I took of them, including the one I used to make this illustration.
A comic for nerdy web developers/programmers and IT people that are not in the mood to talk by showing a 401 unauthorized HTTP message.